Terms & Conditions

These are the terms and conditions that apply when you reserve a place on a Lantern Life Ltd Retreat, for all venues. Your payment confirms your acceptance of these terms and conditions when you make a reservation. You must be at least 18 years old to join a Lantern Life Ltd Retreat.

  • Our rooms can be shared or single occupancy, so the prices shown are per bed, per retreat. The price stated includes accommodation, food and all retreat activities, and prearranged transfers. On Retreats where there are multiple beds per room you can choose to book the room privately (single room supplement) which will include the price for the total number of beds in the room.
  • At the time of booking we ask for a 50% deposit, with the remainder due 45 days before the arrival date.
  • We reserve the right to reject a booking with us without explanation.
  • We reserve the right to require a guest to leave during a retreat if they have brought alcohol or drugs to the premises.
  • We reserve the right to ask any guest to leave a retreat at anytime, should we feel there is reasonable grounds to do so.
  • Cancellations:
    In case of a cancellation all deposits are non-refundable. We refund 50% of the total booking costs for cancellations between 60 and 45 days up to the arrival date. We refund 30% of the total booking costs for cancellations between 45 and 30 days up to the arrival date Any cancellations less than 30 days before arrival day will incur the full cost of the booking. For re-booking requests, we kindly request the same amount of notice as mentioned above. Re-scheduling requests made within 30 days of the original arrival date may be subject to availability.
  • We reserve the right to cancel a retreat without explanation. Cancellations are likely to be rare and may occur due to unforeseen circumstances such as severe weather, infectious disease outbreaks, or structural damage. All fees paid will be refunded unless you choose to accept any substitute we may offer. However, we cannot accept liability for any consequential losses you might incur.
  • You are responsible for transfer fees and bank administration fees. Please check the amount of these fees with your bank at the point of transfer and add any transfer fees that might be incurred with your payment.
  • You are advised to insure yourself against any losses due to you having to cancel your retreat.
  • Activities:
    We reserve the right to make changes to the advertised facilitators and programs as necessary.
  • Diet: Unless we have been notified explicitly of any dietary, or other requirements at the time of booking and have agreed to them, we cannot guarantee that they will be met, but we will do everything we can to meet your specific needs.
  • Health:
    It remains your sole responsibility to consult with the appropriate healthcare provider in case of any underlying medical condition, physical or mental before you book a stay. Once you have booked your reservation will fall under our normal booking terms and conditions. In no event whatsoever will Lantern Life Ltd be held liable for any injuries or damages sustained for failure to seek precautionary or medical advice. Should you not accept or agree with any of the above terms, it is strictly forbidden to avail of the services provided. By accessing and purchasing any services via this or any ancillary platform, you declare your full acceptance and understanding of this disclaimer. Medical consultation services and recommendations are not included in the provided offerings. Safe and appropriate application of the services is the sole and exclusive responsibility of yourself as the retreat guest. You are expected to take part in our offerings or services through the provided instructions, if any. Lantern Life Ltd will strictly not be held responsible for any physical injury, emotional losses or triggering of mental health episodes and you hereby accept sole responsibility for any losses suffered through your application of any offerings related to emotional wellness
    techniques or physical exertion. You embark on any offerings or practices at your own risk.
  • Privacy:
    We respect your privacy. We will only collect, store and use your personal information for defined purposes. We use your information to support and enhance our relationship with you, to process your booking, provide services and support, and share workshops, products, services, news, and offerings with you. We do not, and will not sell your personal information.

Our Privacy Policy.