Specialist Training

The specialist training provided by Lantern is delivered using a psychologically informed approach. This reflects the knowledge that we are all impacted by our environment and experience, and this is closely related to how we can care for our own wellbeing.

Lantern's specialist training covers a range of topics that offer a deeper insight into sometimes difficult and challenging material. While offering education on these topics, we are also mindful of the potential affect it might have for people attending the courses. Extra care is taken by our psychotherapist trainers to offer one to one support and signposting for anyone who has been affected by issues raised.

Our specialist training sessions are five to six hours in duration and can be delivered online, on-site or in another location as part of an event. There will always be time available at the end of the session for informal discussion and personal support.

Trauma Informed Care


Gender Specific Support


Gaming & Social Media Dependency


Drug & Alcohol


Domestic Violence & Coercive Control


Confidence & Self Esteem


Anxiety & Stress Management


Vicarious Trauma