Enlightened Hero


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Lantern was created to support individuals and teams to understand, maintain and improve their psychological health and wellbeing in an increasingly demanding and stressful world. Working closely with organisations to identify gaps in workforce wellbeing and provide tools to help relieve pressure and offer positive coping strategies, through a variety of bespoke workshops and events.

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Lantern delivers psychologically informed training, workshops and team wellbeing events, for a variety of businesses and organisations. Our expert trainers love to inspire and empower with a combination of psychotherapeutic insights and practical tools to takeaway.


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With more personnel working remotely with flexible hours it is harder to build team rapports and relationships. Lantern provides bespoke wellbeing away days, so your organisation can bring individuals together to get to know each other, while learning company information and attending Lantern Workshops that promote mental health awareness and wellbeing strategies.


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Do you and your team need to discuss a new product launch or strategy? Or do you simply want to reward them, whilst encouraging positive wellbeing practices that aid performance and motivation? We love to put together corporate retreats, at home or abroad, with bespoke work, fun and relaxation programmes.


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Whether it’s in situ or virtual we will work with your HR department to create a bespoke lounge that will support your team with individual/workforce mental health and wellbeing. Our focus is always on providing a safe and welcoming space, to chill out or re-charge and connect with others.